I'm NJK but you can call me EnJayKay, I like Tokusatsu, perhaps a bit too much, at least so much I made a whole IP inspired by it. When I get to work on a Failed Pilot that appears in a Rebel Taxi video, you can say you knew me before I was cool.

Nick @EnJayKay

Age 29, Male


Joined on 9/22/20

Exp Points:
2,164 / 2,180
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.65 votes
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
2y 7m 8d

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Latest News

Twitter is literally, actually dead, a name change is one thing, but I'm hearing that "X" is using everything that gets posted on it to train AI. (Also I'm very skeptical of all the places cropping up out of nowhere to take it's place.)

So, I'll be posting my artwork exclusively on here until further notice, only posting a Link on other Social Medias.

If I sent you here from another Site and you somehow never heard of Newgrounds, welcome to the last bastion for Artists online! If Tom sells out we are well and truly boned!!! :D (So become a Supporter, K?)

That's the important part, feel free to leave as I rant about the decline of the Internet like a demented old man in a Retirement Home

When we were Kids, the Internet was new and exciting, there were places like Newgrounds, Albinoblacksheep, even Youtube, and of course too many Flash Game sites to list, we all assumed that was how the Internet was going to be forever, "Everything by everyone", any random person with as little as MS Paint or a cheap video camera could show their unique imagination to the entire world, no filters, no restrictions, no incentives but the joy of creation. Sadly, it was only a matter of time before the cold, callous, shriveled fingers of Capitalism took their grip upon the burgeoning space, contorting everything toward the cynical goal of Profit. Now here we are; Social Medias that allow self-expression like MySpace & Tumblr are ghosts of their former selves, Flash in it's entirety is no longer supported by most Internet Browsers, swaths of people cheer that AI "eliminates the need for Creatives," Writer and Actor Unions are on Strike because the people they work for have no respect for them, (they won't even recognize the Animator Union!) every site you go on looks the same; black & white, lines & boxes, Conformity, showing the world what you're made of feels like an act of Rebellion, with Newgrounds as The Resistance's underground bunker. (Oh also ludicrous Character Limits that don't let me anywhere near this sort of rant!, still over 30k to go!) It's a sorry state of affairs that a handful of spoiled, soulless, Trust-Funded idiots are allowed to decide the fate of the Internet and the entire world, but the only way they truly win is if we give up, so fight, not with your Body, but with your Heart, your Mind, your Soul! Before Homo Sapiens even invented the word "Society" we drew Bears & Deer & stuff on the walls of caves. Bubbles burst, wells dry up, buildings crumble, but you can't destroy Ideas.


Available for Work

Commissions Available!

If you like what you see in my Art Gallery, you can pay me to draw what you want me to! Pricing information is below.


I hope you'll consider me next time you're thinking of getting a Commission!


Recent Game Medals

1,125 Points

Home Run Through 100 Points

Submit a final score of more than zero (kill somebody)


Beat the game.

True Face of Evil 25 Points

Reveal the true face of evil!

Hoarder Patrol 5 Points

Snag the first three powerups in a match before anyone else has a chance to.

C-C-Combo Maker 25 Points

Deliver at least 80 damage in one aerial combo.

That figures! 5 Points

Clear floor 4.

Lvl up! 5 Points

Clear floor 3.

Dig it! 5 Points

Clear floor 2.

Checkmate! 5 Points

Clear floor 1.

Art degree 5 Points

Complete the tutorial.

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